Sunday, September 29, 2024

Happy 46th Birthday My Love

In the tapestry of life, you continue to shine bright,  

A beacon of love, a guiding light.  

Each year a chapter, a story to tell,  

In your warm embrace, I find my heart swell.

With laughter and joy, you dance through the days,  

Your spirit ignites in so many ways.  

Forty-six candles, a glow in your eyes,  

Each one a blessing, a treasure, a prize.

Through trials and triumphs, we’ve weathered it all,  

And you stand secure, mindful and demure.  

With every heartbeat, my love for you grows,  

In the garden of time, it beautifully flows.

So here's to you Lola, my sweetest friend,  

On this special day, let the celebrations never end.  

May this year bring you joy, and dreams that take flight,  

Happy birthday, my love, my heart’s pure delight.


Sunday, May 28, 2023

Echoes of Ladispoli by the Sea


In Ladispoli, where dreams unfold,

A tale of joy and memories untold.

Amidst the gentle whispers of the sea,

I found solace in the waves that set me free.

Oh, Ladispoli, where time stood still,

You painted my heart with a tranquil thrill.

For five enchanting months, I called you home,

Beneath your skies of cerulean dome.

The seaside kissed my weary soul,

Embracing me in its watery fold.

Dark sands between my toes,

Like precious secrets, only the ocean knows.

With each sunset, a canvas of hues,

The sky ablaze in pinks and blues.

Alone I'd often stroll along the shore in the twilight,

With laughter and love filling my silent soul with delight.

The ocean's melody, a soothing song,

As seagulls danced and sang along.

The salty air, a sweet caress,

A symphony of bliss, no words could express.

I basked in the warmth of the sun's embrace,

As it painted my skin with a tender grace.

Moments of serenity, a divine retreat,

Where the world's chaos found no deceit.

Ladispoli, you awakened my senses,

With your beauty, a sight that commences.

From the old bridge's proud, steadfast gaze,

To the treasures that washed upon your bays.

Sea shells whispered secrets in the breeze,

Stories of love, whispered by the seas.

And as I watched the waves rise and fall,

My heart grew restless, longing to recall.

For in your embrace, I found my peace,

A respite from life's bustling lease.

The memories weaved in your sandy shores,

Etched forever, like seashells I adore.

Though my time with you has come to an end,

My love for Ladispoli will never descend.

For in my heart, forevermore,

You'll be a haven I'll forever adore.

So, Ladispoli, my cherished retreat,

In your embrace, my soul found complete.

The seaside's embrace, an eternal bond,

Ladispoli, my love for you, beyond.

© Uche Aneke (2023)

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Claudia Joy

In Perugia, where history and beauty resides,

I had a teacher named Claudia in whom much Joy abides.

With passion for language, she gracefully imparts,

Guiding us with patience and love in her heart.

Her words like music, flowing and sweet,

Unveiling the secrets of Italy's heartbeat.

In a classroom adorned with laughter and cheer,

We learnt the language, drawing near.

Through grammar rules and cultural tales,

She weaves a tapestry that never fails,

To inspire our minds, to open our eyes,

To the wonders of Italy, beneath azure skies.

With gratitude, I call her "Claudia Joy",

For igniting my love for Italy, oh so coy.

Forever in my memory, her name shall reside,

My dear teacher, my guide, with love and pride.

© Uche Aneke (2023)

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Life's Like a Rose Plant

 Life is like a Rose Plant

With petals soft as silk,

Like the world, it's full of beauty,

If only we could see and feel.

Some see the roses only,

And fail to notice thorns,

Their hands get pierced and hurt,

Their joy shadowed by pain.

Others see only the thorns,

And feel bitter about the rose's charm,

They miss the fragrance and the beauty,

And their hearts remain unwarmed.

But some catch the big picture,

And see the rose plant as a whole,

They feel the roses' tenderness,

And the strength of thorns in control.

They know the thorns protect,

The soul-soothing beauty of the rose,

So they cherish both sides of life,

And their hearts fill with love that glows.

In this world, we all see,

The world as we choose to see,

May we learn to see the fullness,

And know life's bliss in every thorn and rose.

© Uche Aneke (2023).

Sunday, February 19, 2023

My Perugia

On Perugia's hills, I found my way,

When summer grudgigly left and autumn held sway.

A city adorned in history's embrace,

Where I learned the language, with a hesitant pace.

Through narrow streets, I wandered in awe,

Past ancient arches, with stories to thaw.

Cobblestone pathways whispered tales untold,

As I soaked in the beauty, a sight to behold.

In the autumn's blush, the city transformed,

Golden hues painted, as nature adorned.

Leaves rustled beneath my eager feet,

As I delved into Italian, a language sweet.

Through the language school, I embarked on a quest,

To grasp the words, to give my best.

With patient teachers, their guidance profound,

I navigated verbs, as my confidence found.

Beneath Perugia's skies, gray and serene,

I learned the phrases, the grammar routine.

Conjugating verbs, conjugating dreams,

Fostering friendships, bridging cultural streams.

Winter descended with a gentle grace,

Whispering tales of an ancient place.

Frost-kissed mornings, a chill in the air,

Yet warmth resided in friendships we shared.

In cozy bars, we sipped hot caffè,

Laughing and learning, our worries at bay.

Pronouncing each word with fervent desire,

Kindling a passion, a language on fire.

Perugia, you witnessed my humble start,

Nurturing dreams within your ancient heart.

Through strolls on Corso Vannucci's grand stage,

I wove memories, page by page.

As the months waned, and my time grew near,

Nostalgia wrapped around, a bittersweet veneer.

For Perugia, you hold a piece of my soul,

Etched in memories, as the seasons unroll.

Oh, Perugia, where I first began,

Learning the language, embracing a plan.

In the autumn's warmth and winter's embrace,

You gifted me moments, I'll forever trace.

Though distance separates us, a longing remains,

To stroll your streets, where nostalgia sustains.

Perugia, my dear, forever I'll yearn,

For lessons learnt, and my beloved teachers, I'll someday return.

A chapter of life, engraved in my core,

Perugia, you'll be cherished evermore.

Nostalgia's symphony, forever we'll partake,

In the echoes of memories, for old times' sake.

© Uche Aneke (2023)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Manifestation of Zion

Peace is like a beautiful flower
Tonight in the garden of our souls,
In full bloom at this very hour
Our hearts shall forever behold.

Joy is like a stairway
Ascending to paradise,
To earthly struggles bid farewell,
We levitate with joyful cries.

And the glory of God?
Beyond the wisdom of a thousand sages.
Like the mount called Zion.
And boundless, flowing like an endless sea...
With waves and waves of Divine pleasure, Jesus satisfies us.

©Uche (2016) 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Until Now...

The cows mourn with indifference
Herded whichever way they must go
To eat and drink looks like their life goal
They have no temple or divine call
Until now, their only emotion is happiness
When they're well fed
Even with pale faces, they're happy
When they're well fed
That is until now.

These days, the routes have changed
From yonder, they've crossed boundaries;
Or have they?
As the cows are herded to where the grass is green
It doesn't even matter if the green is not grass
Until now, the cows knew the grass to be green
Yet they don't know why all green is not grass
That is until now.

We still wonder where it all begun
Or how and when it will end
Distant farmlands are irrigated with innocent blood
To grow enough grass to feed the belly
Of cows or humans behind darkness, guns and machetes
With lazy hooves the cows trample innocently
Upon the carcasses of the first casualties
Of those whose lands we claim
Who now clutch the earth
With a perpetual grimace upon their faces
That is until now.  

Is now the time to speak?
Or hold the silence forever
This silence waiting to explode within us
Like a ticking time bomb
It's a time to seek the wisdom of the earth
Which we trample and soak with innocent blood
Earth, wise to know its boundaries from the waters
Yet wise enough to live with the waters to birth life.
That is until now.

© Uche (2016)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tethered To Heaven…

Everyday I walk with Jesus Christ
He helps me to become a better person.
Even with my many flaws
He paired me with my dream girl;
To fix and to complete me.

Lola my dream girl,
You brought to me the scent of water,
Thus rekindling my life’s journey.
Now we’ve walked together with Jesus for 10 years
On a beautiful journey of hope,
And there is victory with each step taken in faith.

Holding hands, in the beauty of the harmattan sunset
We could have walked on, just you and me, forever
Through the cacophony of whispers
From the faded leaves of our lives,
Unperturbed by the metaphoric symphonies
Of life’s oldest tunes, beating
Upon the eardrums of our hearts and souls…

Then God changed the beat! And along came Tehilla.
She’s such a smart girl; she waited for God’s perfect time!
And we’re still walking, all together with Jesus
Who has tethered us to heaven with many HappyDays.
Happy Wedding Anniversary to us!

©Uche (2014)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me

On this day, I dance.
There's no other dancer in sight;
Just me, dancing with sheer delight...
My soul adorned with peace;
Jesus: My Fixer,
Rekindles the brightness of my path...
And as today unfolds,
His favour saturates me,
And makes me fly on the wings of joy.
His endless love fascinates me...
And brings me before a new dawn
So I rejoice, as I celebrate me today...
Happy birthday to me!

~Uche (2014)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

9 years ago when we got married...

You were my divine promise fulfilled in due season.
Every day that I have walked with you, is an
Assurance of Divine favor
Readily completing and keeping me
Secured in the promises of Heaven...

Overjoyed in the comfort that you give; I'm
Forever longing to become that better man you deserve...

Blessings in every travail we face together is like
Living love in this life that ends; and
Imbued in the joy of a Life that never ends.
So deep and so pure, adorned by the love of God;
So here we are, ready to step into new realms of victory...

©Uche (2013)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me! (2013)

I just flipped a new page on the book of my life,
Today I feel like a king lifted from the grass to the place of grace,
Every breath I take inspires me to cleave
To divine hands that shape me;
Captivates me, saturates me, and elevates me;
I celebrate me.

I'm still growing in the knowledge of myself,
Treasures from deep within daily unfolding,
Essence of my being; I want Your truth that daily sustains me;
Whether in pain or triumph I rejoice in the Lord Jesus
As I celebrate me today...

Happy Birthday to Me!

©Uche (2013)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy Birthday to me - 2012

Every day I get to know me a lil’ more,
But today I’m enchanted by the songs of the Breeze.
I cannot tell the words, but what is spoken
Hangs on persistently on the hills where I must go...
I take another look at me; towards the deep wells of my life,
Springing forth new dreams, inspired by the Spirit who made me;
I celebrate me.

Captivated by a love that brings me sweet and pain,
But I want more; I want Your truth that daily sustains me;
Unchained and whole I rejoice in the Lord Jesus
As I celebrate me today...

Happy birthday to me!

©Uche (2012)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy 7th Wedding Anniversary!!!

Babes, lookin’ into your eyes
Again I’m saying that I love you.
The Lord has kept us sweet through 7 whole years,
And each day I still want to fall in love afresh with you.
Though through many nights, to heaven, we’ve both shed a few tears,
But by holding each other’s hand, our walk to destiny remains steady.
You bring the best out of me, baby, and everyone knows that already,
But the best part is: knowing my flaws, yet you stood by me from the start;
That makes your beauty a masterpiece I love to frame in my heart.
Feelin’ each moment like a king for 7 whole years,
Much unlike Jacob on a love mission in tears,
For God’s favor makes our union phenomenal,
Beyond every earthly sense;
And phenomenally,
The best part of our love story is just about to commence...

Happy Anniversary!

©Uche (2011)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary!!!

How can I make this time of telling special
When I tell you that I love you every day?
How can I tell you that you are my angel
When you know you are my angel anyway?
I love you more on this special day,
Than on the day we married, 6 years ago.

Together we’ve been through thick and thin
But like a tree each year in height and girth,
Our love has grown immense and strong.
Now each time our eyes join instead of meet,
It's as though the lights of stars and sun
Join in us, a burst so bright and sweet,
And a reminder of God’s love toward us.

And so as poetry it flows from me to you
That in your heart all my love imbue...

Happy Anniversary my Boo!!!

©Uche (2010)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Treasure of My Solitude

Solitude is colored dark by many men,
But my spirit shines in those dark moments
That sparkle with my choice of God’s praise;
The essence of my joy, my stay of peace
Bedecks me in garments that eradicate my tears
And delightfully sheds my fears.

In my solitude, I have beheld Your beauty
In the glimmer of sunrise, the radiance of sunset
The glistening drops of dew on green foliage
And the flight of rain drops in the sun,
Even the rainbow blushes at my quiet gaze;
My gaze of wonder; am amazed as I ponder.

In my solitude, I hear the fish rejoice in muted voices
And the trees clap their hands in green ovation
Every creature drawing from You their soul’s satisfaction;
I am your sheep and Your voice is best heard in my silence,
My weakness reveals Your strength, in patience I wait,
Alone in obedience my heart is all ears…

©Uche (2009)

“Happy new year and happy new you!”

Hey you, wake up to a brand new day,
New mercies are here,
Happy new year and happy new you!

Rise up, rise up and shake off
The yesteryears’ dust,
Happy new year and happy new you!

Do you hear the new sound of hope
Thumpin’ at your soul’s door?
Happy new year and happy new you!

Strengthen weak hands and feeble knees;
And march into new boundaries,
Happy new year and happy new you!

On the threshold of a new age
Recognize you’re the essence of heaven here and say:
Happy new year and happy new you!

Happy new year and happy new you
Means in all you do stay joyful and true!

©Uche (2009)

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Omolola is the angel I love to hold in my arms.
More like a virtuous sprite she stays her man.
Oh, how selfless is her array of excellence.
Loves to live by serving that herself be sustained.
Overall, she’s anchored in life by a love unrestrained.
Let me secretly watch you dance in style and grace;
An angel whose wisdom is one of her best charms.

©Uche (2009)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary!!!

As I sit here musing underneath the night sky,
Watching sea water splash to make beach sand shine.
I'm reminded of the beautiful flashes of your smile;
Just before we got married and you became my bride.
You became my sweetest experience, my treasure, my pride.
Who else but you could have matched me on this old lover's venture?
Just you and me rollin' on life's train of adventures...
Dum ditty ditty dum, my heart is a song of love for us to tango
And words may demean the very beats of my heart's drum,
Pounding eternally and watching your heart respond:
It's our 5th Anniversary love ballad,
So dance on like my private ballerina....
Let me secretly watch you dance to our life's tunes;
Let me be happy in your joy too;
As we remain thankful to the Lord's hands
Who forever strums the beautiful melodies we both enjoy
On our life's eternal dance:
We rejoice!

Happy Anniversary my Boo!

©Uche (2009)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

"Wings of God's Love"

On the touch of His beautiful hands I rose...

When my journey began with one feeble step of faith,
And all my weaknesses gazed at me with those beady eyes.

On the wings of His beautiful love I leapt...

Even when tens of thousands draw up against me like sand,
I shall not fear for the Lord sustains me with His hands.

On the wings of His beautiful light I fly...

Let the light of your face upon me shine,
And fill my heart with joy like new wine.

On the wings of His beautiful night I'm kept...

Knowing the king of peace dwells within my heart,
Dispels my fears and shields me from enemy darts.

On the wings of His glorious victory I soar...

©Uche (2009)

Monday, October 12, 2009

"God's Wisdom and the Jolly Good Folly of Man"

Lord, You are mighty in every nation!
Let Your manifold wisdom unfold in every generation.
In the quietness of my spirit,
I sense Your loving delight in the children of men
Such divinity in the midst of mere humanity - You amaze me!
You reveal Your majesty in the works of Your hands.
Your sovereignty is in the heavens and on the earth - yet,
You are not afraid to live in the hearts of the little men who killed You;
For little did they know that Your love is Your greatest strength
Which manifests in our weakest weaknesses.
And You seek to show Your wisdom in the worldly foolishness of men;
That they who are wise in their own eyes may see their own jolly good folly!
Oh, that the hearts of men shall be lifted up to You alone,
And let all creation testify that the LORD God Almighty is one,
Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Your blessed son!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

In Moments Like This...

There is an experience of timelessness
Such as no watch can comprehend,

There is an experience of loveliness
Such as no beauty can express,

There is an experience of wholesomeness
Such as no pleasure can measure,

There is an experience of righteousness
Such as no law can represent,

In moments like this, in His presence,
I rejoice.

©Uche (2008)

Friday, November 21, 2008

There I Stand...

There where we stand as fools for His wisdom’s sake,
There I stand.

There where we are weak for His strength’s sake,
There I stand.

There where we are dishonoured for His being distinguished’s sake,
There I stand.

There where we are hungry and thirsty for His righteousness’ sake,
There I stand.

There where we are naked, and beaten, and homeless for His kingdom’s sake,
There I stand.

There where we labour, working with our hands for His gospel’s sake,
There I stand.

There where we being reviled, we bless for His name’s sake,
There I stand.

There where we being persecuted, we endure for His glory’s sake,
There I stand.

There where we being defamed, we entreat for His goodness’s sake,
There I stand.

There where we have been made as the filth of the world, the offscouring of all things for His joy’s sake,
There I stand.

Until now...

©Uche (2008)