Monday, October 12, 2009

"God's Wisdom and the Jolly Good Folly of Man"

Lord, You are mighty in every nation!
Let Your manifold wisdom unfold in every generation.
In the quietness of my spirit,
I sense Your loving delight in the children of men
Such divinity in the midst of mere humanity - You amaze me!
You reveal Your majesty in the works of Your hands.
Your sovereignty is in the heavens and on the earth - yet,
You are not afraid to live in the hearts of the little men who killed You;
For little did they know that Your love is Your greatest strength
Which manifests in our weakest weaknesses.
And You seek to show Your wisdom in the worldly foolishness of men;
That they who are wise in their own eyes may see their own jolly good folly!
Oh, that the hearts of men shall be lifted up to You alone,
And let all creation testify that the LORD God Almighty is one,
Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Your blessed son!


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